Wednesday, April 25, 2007

How great is God! The best communicator ever!!

"Communication school in Burtigny!"

There are so many things to discover all the time. Right now I am discovering more of who God is as a communicator...It is very interesting. God is the best communicator ever!

"There were communication going on in heaven within the trinity before God created the world..."(Clearly communication Christ, by Landa Cope.) I have been pondering a lot on this fact. I find it quite deep and worth thinking about.....


Marianne said...

Ser ut som du koser deg. og det ser gøy ut;) har noe adresse til der du bor nå hvis det er der du vil ha gavene dine?

Kristianbye said...

Yo-ho! Gratulations with your birthday! Jippi! You are a great sister and a great person; may you have an even greater birthday-celebration ;) Men du - har du et telefonnummer du bruker for tiden - i Sveits? Mobil? Eller er det best å bruke student-nr. på basen?? Snakkes!