Friday, December 14, 2007

It is me..

Having a coffee in the
"Famous" Migro cafe...

"The Shopping team"

Yune Jeong and I, bying groceries for the base in Nyon!
We have been "the shopping team" for the base
during the last three months... I enjoy it most of the time, especially our coffee breaks in the Migro cafe....

Life in Chatel....

Fresh Swiss bread for our dear "Veggie Factory"

They are faithfully giving us free vegitables.

Monday, November 26, 2007

The autumn is over and the the vinter is here. It has been a season of breath taking beauty...

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Two sisters in Switzerland!

My sister Marianne came to visit me for almost a week! We had a lot of fun, relaxing in the sun, and swimming in the Geneva lake!! It was great to have her here!! Thanks Marianne!!

Feet and sun

Refreshing water!

Marianne in the sun!

"Geneva lake!"

"Our caterpillars"

We have five precious caterpillars as our pets at the moments...Herbertli, Reg, Aron, Esther and Princess. They are growing. Herbertli is enjoing himself in his cocoon...The others are coming after....


Tulani, one of our adopted base cats!

Summer vacation in Switzerland!

Marit, a good friend of mine, visited me, and we traveled a bit in Switzerland. It is a beatiful country!!

Sunset, by the lake of Thun.

"Männlichen" close to Jung Frau.

We went to the swiss alps from the little village called Grindeval.

A steep path in the alps.

We went for an adventure, walking through this steep path. We wanted to reach a train, so we walked quite fast. My knees were shaking, because I got so tired walking down hill!

I whish I had a boat!


Relaxing in the swiss alps!

I want to touch the Sun.

Friday, June 29, 2007

"Four Norwegian girls in Switzerland!"


"Bonfire" YWAM Burtigny

"Cinnamon buns" made on sticks are good!
In the picture; Elin and me..

Check out my Slide Show!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Class photo of my communication school 2007.

I am thankful to God for spending my last three months with these great people! It has been such a rich time.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

How great is God! The best communicator ever!!

"Communication school in Burtigny!"

There are so many things to discover all the time. Right now I am discovering more of who God is as a communicator...It is very interesting. God is the best communicator ever!

"There were communication going on in heaven within the trinity before God created the world..."(Clearly communication Christ, by Landa Cope.) I have been pondering a lot on this fact. I find it quite deep and worth thinking about.....

A speak about penguins.

I had a speak about penguins last week in my communication school! We get to do a lot of things... Did you know that penguins are very sensitve? It is very important to identify with them if you ever thought about working with them..

Communication tool.

This is actually a very special picture of a unique communication tool... Can you see it!! Well, we got a group assignment to make one, we had a lot of fun....

Spring time!

Spring time in Switzerland. We have had sun for three weeks now!! The temperature is between 20-30 C.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Visit of my parents!

My parents visited me for a couple of days! It was a great time... I enjoyed having them. We had fondue (a swiss meal) ate corean food, went out for sightsing, and a lot more... I drove them to Bern as well, where I dropped them of for their familiy seminar. I did a lot of driving! I put some pictures below from our time together! Have a look!

Corean food!

It is not so easy to eat with sticks! It takes some exercise! "You can do it dad!"

"Tourists" in Geneva..

We spent som hours in the beautiful town, Geneva. In this picture you can see my mum, me, and the incredible high fountain!!

The main street, down town Geneva

Nice car!

We went around for a bit in the car park, to look at the nice exclusive cars!

Flower clock, down town, Geneva

Geneva laken!


Hungry little bird!

Feedig hungry birds!

We met some hungry birds! They were not afraid of us. THey ate from our hands!

Sightseing in Geneva

In the Lift.

Mum and dad!

Thanks for the visit!
sEE YOU again another time!

Friday, March 09, 2007

One two three, red light!!

Family meeting at Haugen Hotel.

Winter holiday in Norway!

We are getting ready for a
cross country skiing trip!
In the picture; Kristian, (my brother)
Benjamin,(my nephew), and I.

We had a stop on the top! "Ruperanden"

Bejamin, my nephew and I.
Two happy people.
It is great to have some time
together in the snow!

Ut på tur til Ruperanden!
Nydelig føre!


En Hund med ski?
Det var rene kennelen
på tur Mange hunder
kan du si!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

London, The Tower bridge!

My trip to London! Visiting an outreach team!

I had a great time in London for a couple of days. I spent some time there with an outreach team. It was good to see them and hear from them. They are reaching out to people in London!

I love to see what God is doing in different places in the world, and to a be part of it!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A testimony!

Testimony from an outreach to USA.

One of our staff has spent 4 mounths in Indiapolis, working with Open Hands ministry.
She came along side several people. One of them who is pregnant wanted to take an abortion. We prayed here in Switzerland that God would intervene and do something.
The lady went to the clinic to have it done, but she got an emotional break down, she could not do it. She got a new appointment, when the new appointment came, she got sick..... Other things happened as well, now she has decided to give birth!!! It is amazing to see and be a part of what God is doing!

Sunday, February 18, 2007